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Home Industrie-Objektive Zubehör Objektive LADAP-CS-TO-M12-V1, Adapter for CS-mount to M12

LADAP-CS-TO-M12-V1, Adapter for CS-mount to M12

LADAP-CS-TO-M12-V1, Adapter for CS-mount to M12
LADAP-CS-TO-M12-V1, Adapter for CS-mount to M12
CS-mount to M12 mount adapter to use m12 lenses on a cs-mount camera.



Lieferzeit (Wochen)

Standard 3-6, Express 0-3

€ 5,00
Preis pro Stück

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CS-mount to M12 mount adapter to use m12 lenses on a cs-mount camera. Please note that we also advice to use a m12 locking ring in combination with the adapter to mount m12 lenses in a cs-mount camera.

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